

Çelik Yapılar Kaplamalar Çelik Astarının Türleri ve Uygulamaları hakkında bilgi edinin

çelik yapı kaplamalar boya

Çelik bir tür yanmayan yapı malzemesidir, sismik, bükülme ve diğer özelliklere sahiptir. In practical application, steel can not only increase the load capacity of buildings, but also meet the needs of aesthetic modeling of architectural design. Ayrıca beton gibi yapı malzemelerinin bükülemeyeceği ve gerilemeyeceği kusurlardan da kaçınır. Therefore, steel has been favored by the construction industry, single-storey, multi-storey, skyscrapers, factories, warehouses, waiting rooms, departure halls and other steel is common. Birbirinden öğrenmek için kullanımıÇelik yapı kaplamalarıVeçelik astarBoya esastır.

Çelik yapı kaplamalarının sınıflandırılması

Çelik yapı kaplamalar esas olarak iki çeşit çelik yapı yangın kaplamaları ve çelik yapı korozyon önleyici kaplamalara sahiptir.
(A) Çelik yapı yangın tabakası boya


  • 1. ultra ince yapısal yangın kaplama

Ultra-thin steel structure fireproof coating refers to the coating thickness within 3 mm(including 3 mm), the decorative effect is good, can expand at high temperature, and the fire resistance limit is generally within 2 h of the steel structure fireproof coating. This kind of steel structure fire retardant coating is generally solvent-based system, with superior bonding strength, good weather resistance and water resistance, good leveling, good decorative characteristics; Ateşe maruz kaldığında, yoğun ve sert bir yangın yalıtım tabakası oluşturmak için yavaşça genişler ve köpükler. The fireproof layer has a strong fire-resistant impact property, delaying the temperature rise of steel and effectively protecting steel components. The construction of ultra-thin expanded steel structure fireproof coating can be sprayed, brushed or rolled, generally used in the fire resistance limit requirements within 2 h on the building steel structure. There have been new varieties of ultra-thin steel structure fireproof coatings with fire resistance of 2 h or more, which mainly use polymethacrylate or epoxy resin with special structure and amino resin, chlorinated paraffin as the base binder, with high polymerization degree ammonium polyphosphate, Dipentaerythritol, yangın geciktirici sistemi olarak melamin. Titanyum dioksit, wollastonit ve diğer inorganik refrakter malzemeler, çözücü kompozit olarak 200# solvent yağına ilave edilir. Çeşitli hafif çelik yapılar, ızgaralar, vb., Ateş koruması için bu tür fıçılara dayanıklı boyayı kullanın. Due to the ultra-thin coating of this kind of fire retardant coating, the use of thicker and thinner steel structure fire retardant coating is greatly reduced, which reduces the total cost of the project, and makes the steel structure get effective fire protection, and Yangından korunma etkisi çok iyi.

Çelik Yapı Astar Kaplamaları
  • 2. İnce çelik yapı için yangın geciktirici kaplama

The thin-coated steel structure fireproof coating refers to the steel structure fireproof coating whose coating thickness is greater than 3mm, less than or equal to 7mm, has a certain decorative effect, expands and thickens at high temperature, and the fire resistance limit is within 2 saat. This kind of fireproof coating for steel structure is generally composed of a suitable water-based polymer as the base material, and then composed of a composite system of flame retardants, fire retardant additives, fire-resistant fibers, etc., and its fire prevention İlke ultra ince tip ile aynıdır. For this type of fireproof coating, the water-based polymer required to be selected must have good adhesion, durability and water resistance to the steel substrate. Its decoration is better than thick fireproof coatings, inferior to ultra-thin steel structure fireproof coatings, and the general fire resistance limit is within 2 h. Therefore, it is commonly used in steel structure fire protection projects with less than 2 h fire resistance limit, and spray construction is often used. In one period, it occupied a large proportion, but with the emergence of ultra-thin steel structure fireproof coatings, its market share was gradually replaced.

  • 3. Kalın çelik yapı yangın tabakası kaplama

Thick steel structure fire retardant coating refers to the coating thickness is greater than 7 mm, less than or equal to 45 mm, granular surface, small density, low thermal conductivity, fire resistance limit of more than 2 h steel structure fire retardant coating. Since the composition of thick fire retardant coatings is mostly inorganic materials, its fire performance is stable and the long-term use effect is good, but the particles of its paint components are large, the appearance of the coating is uneven, affecting the overall beauty bu nedenle çoğunlukla yapısal gizli mühendislik için kullanılır. This kind of fire retardant coating uses the granular surface of the material in the fire, the density is small, the thermal conductivity is low or the heat absorption of the material in the coating, which delays the temperature rise of the steel and protects the steel . This kind of fireproof coating is made of suitable inorganic binder (such as water glass, silica sol, aluminum phosphate, refractory cement, etc.), Then it is mixed with inorganic lightweight adiabatic aggregate materials (such as expanded perlite, expanded vermiculite, sea bouldering, floating beads, fly ash, etc.), fire retardant additives, chemical agents and reinforcement materials (such as aluminum silicate fiber, rock wool, ceramic fiber, glass fiber, etc.) and fillers, etc., which has the advantages düşük maliyetli. Spraying is often used in construction, which is suitable for indoor and outdoor concealed steel structures with fire resistance limits of more than 2 h, high-rise all-steel structures and multi-storey factory steel structures. For example, the fire resistance limit of the columns of high-rise civil buildings, general industrial and civil buildings supporting multi-layer columns should reach 3h, and the thick fireproof coating should be used to protect them.

(2) Çelik yapı antikorozif boya

Anti-corrosion coating for steel structure is a new type of anti-corrosion coating for steel structure developed on the basis of oil-resistant anti-corrosion coating. The paint is divided into two kinds of primer and top paint, in addition, its application range is wider, and the paint can be adjusted to a variety of colors according to needs. Steel structure anti-corrosion coating is suitable for sewage, seawater, industrial water, gasoline, kerosene, diesel jet fuel, gas and other storage tanks, oil, gas pipelines, Bridges, grids, power equipment and all kinds of chemical equipment anti-corrosion koruma, beton tesisler korozyon koruması için de kullanılabilir.


  • İlk olarak, metalin doğasını iyileştirin: yani alaşım tedavisi:

Birçok yabancı akademisyen, çeşitli alaşım elemanlarının çeliğin deniz suyuna korozyon direnci üzerindeki etkisini incelemiştir. It is found that alloy steels based on Cr, Ni, Cu, P, Si and rare earth have excellent anti-corrosion properties, and on this basis, a series of seawater corrosion resistant steels have been developed. Bununla birlikte, ekonomik ve teknolojik düşünceler nedeniyle, yukarıdaki elemanlar deniz suyu korozyonuna dayanıklı çeliklerde yaygın olarak kullanılmamaktadır.


  • İkincisi, koruyucu bir katmanın oluşumu: yani metalik olmayan veya metal koruyucu katmanı kaplamak:

Metal koruyucu tabaka esas olarak kaplanmış metalin fosfat, oksidasyonu ve pasivasyon tedavisi için kullanılır. The non-metallic protective layer is mainly the coating of paint, plastic, enamel, mineral grease and so on on the metal surface to form a protective layer. The purpose of these two protective layers is to isolate the base material from contact with seawater, instead of reacting with seawater, thus forming protection


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Gönderme Zamanı: 29 Ekim-2024